Red/Blue Consideration 2

Red/Blue is
Galina Rezaeipour – violin
Oleg Joukov – drums
Oleg Bouevitch, the author of all musical arrangements – guitar, piano, synthesizers, vocals
Galina Rezaeipour is a professional violinist, currently with Ottawa Symphony Orchestra. Here at Red/Blue we are trying to use classical violin in unusual roles – playing solos in rock ballads and trance compositions.
Oleg Joukov is our enthusiastic drummer, with an extensive rock repertoire. Oleg also plays in a local Ottawa rock band. At Red/Blue, we are playing quiet romantic ballads and mellow, stretching, repeating melodies, which are not very easy to find a drum part for. But we like to experiment!
In quite a few compositions, we use a computer, which is programmed to control various synthesizers as we play. The computer is also our sound engineer, turning on microphones, adding echo, and switching instruments being played by us, in real time.


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